Supported Events
05 May 2019
Technical Seminar "Piecing Together The IoT Puzzle - Overcoming Barriers to Technology Integration"

Date and Time: 

2:00 pm on May 17, 2019 (Friday)


HKUSPACE Admiralty Learning Centre, Room 204, Admiralty Centre, 18, Harcourt Road, Hong Kong


Hong Kong Next Generation Internet Society

Information Technology Services, The University of Hong Kong



Piecing Together The IoT Puzzle - Overcoming Barriers to Technology Integration

As a continuing effort to promote the development and experience sharing of Next Generation Internet technologies and applications in Hong Kong, HKNGIS (the Hong Kong Next Generation Internet Society) is pleased to jointly organise with the Information Technology Service, The University of Hong Kong (“HKU”), a technical seminar with the theme “Piecing Together The IoT Puzzle - Overcoming Barriers to Technology Integration” to be held in the afternoon of May 17, 2019 (Friday) in the HKUSPACE Admiralty Learning Centre, Room 204, Admiralty Centre, 18 Harcourt Road, Hong Kong.

HKITJC have invited Mr Tony Wong, Assistant Government Chief Information Officer, to give the Opening Address and Mr Anson Shen from Amazon Web Services to give the Keynote Address. We have also invited speakers from Fortinet, Huawei and UniPower Cloud to share their expertise on the theme subject. The target audience is the IT managers and professionals in enterprises and IT organizations in Hong Kong.

Please register the attendance by accessing the HKNGIS website.

